Now, you all, I'm sorry for the break. I tried to make a recipe a few days ago and broke not one, not two, but three of my kitchen tools in the process, so I had to do some breathing exercises and invest in a new hand mixer before retuning to the stage. Also, never try to fold cream-cheese frosting with a cheap spatula. But I'm back!
One of the fun things about going to library school is that you're surrounded by future librarians. And this new group of hipper shushers aren't your crazy cat ladies of yesteryear. No tote bags. No ill-fitting sweaters. And definitely no shushing. Now, you might think that I would be included in this future library pool, but no, folks. I'm in a library school and I'm not becoming a librarian. Instead, I'm getting my MS in a degree that will assist me in taking over the museum world by storm. Just you wait...
But anyway, one of the other fun things about library school is the wonderful people you get to meet. And they love to do things that you love to do! It's like two hundred new friends are just waiting to be met. A friend this past week became even more awesome during a dinner party at her lovely residence. She invited me over and we gushed over her red KitchenAid Pro mixer and her collection of vintage Le Creuset flamewear. Gush. She's in the school of the Contessa, though, and I have a slight smidge of a preference towards the good ol'AB.
Lavender! Coconut! Cake!
On a whim, for dessert I decided to make a recipe for Lavender Coconut Cakefrom Never Bashful with Butter that has proven a huge hit at many get-togethers since I discovered it last year. For this party, I turned the cupcakes into one giant cake and had my first frosting experience.
Now, the American South, especially the area where I'm from, is not known for having brisk winters. In fact, I had my windows open while making this light, spring-themed cake because it was 78 degrees outside (and much hotter in). Thankfully it's cooled down a bit since then, but still. I don't want to be reminded of the hundred-degree summer to come soon. It's not even mid-February!
Click over here for the recipe, but just squish those little cakes together to make one big cake. Or do it the easy way and make it in 9" round pans, your choice.
1 comment:
I still have love for Alton!
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